The History Of The GAMSAT


Neil R Maycock

GAMSAT stands for Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test. This is quickly becoming the de facto prerequisite to entrance into Medical school. It is ran by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and is currently available in a number of countries including Australia, England and Ireland. The GAMSAT is held annually March 2010 for Australian students and September 2010 for students in other countries.

What Do I Need To Take The GAMSAT Exam?

You either need to have obtained a Bachelor degree or be in the final year of study. It is not a pre-requisite for the GAMSAT that the bachelor degree is in a science subject, in fact a knowledge of humanities or social sciences is encouraged, but be aware that the GAMSAT does require you to have understanding of biology and the physical sciences.

Why Should I Take) The GAMSAT?

If you wish to pursue a career in medicine, then it is vital you obtain a good GAMSAT passing score. In fact most medical and dentistry schools will look at:-


GAMSAT score

Bachelor Degree

The Interview

Therefore it is vital that you understand what the GAMSAT is and how to prepare for it.

What Is Included In The Test?

The GAMSAT test is split into three parts:-

I)Reasoning In Humanities And Social Services

II)Written Communication

III)Reasoning In Biological And Physical Sciences

The GAMSAT is different to most tests, whereas it is not only your understanding which is tested but the ability of critical thinking and reasoning. The written part of the GAMSAT also tests the ability of the student to express and organize there thoughts in a intuitive way. In fact problem solving is a major part of the test. You will be asked to analyze data, use mathematical application and read and think about a passage of writing.

How To Study For The GAMSAT.

Preparation is everything and this statement has never been more true than studying for the GAMSAT. Make sure you have ample time to study, set yourself a routine. In fact the test is actually set up for candidates to fail, so there a couple of options open to students. If you have time there are lesosns available that will help you prepare for the GAMSAT. These are expensive however, they will help you study in a more structured way. Another option is to purchase preparation materials. These cover all aspects of GAMSAT Preparation, and will help retrain your brain, to avoid mistakes, what to study, and what kind of questions you can expect from the GAMSAT Exam.

In summary, the GAMSAT can seem a daunting task to take. However with the correct preparation, and making sure that you are doing well in your bachelor degree, success is possible.

Neil Maycock writes articles for

GAMSAT Preparation

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The History Of The GAMSAT

The History Of The Gam SA T